Mark in his wheelchair moving through an overlay of an office space to test accessibility. Mark in his wheelchair moving through an overlay of an office space to test accessibility.

Inclusive Design

Inclusive Design

The experiences of our staff offer unique insights into the design of infrastructure, facilities and mainstream products and services.

Our inclusive design service offers greater insights for designers creating infrastructure, facilities, products, services and customer experiences. It also improves usability and accessibility and helps avoid costly design errors.

Get In Touch!

About Inclusive Design

About Inclusive Design

At least five million Australians are vulnerable to exclusion based on the number of Australians living with disability and the elderly alone.

They possess over $40 billion in annual disposable income, a significant portion of which is untapped due to design exclusion.

Centre for Inclusive Design; The Benefit of Designing for everyone. PwC Australia

Inclusive design should be used at the beginning of the design process because the cost to implement inclusive design increases the later it is introduced. Design that is not inclusive can lead to complaints, legal challenges, planning delays and costly retrofits as a product or service matures. Poor design can also negatively impact brand reputation. The relative cost of retrofitting a product or service to become inclusive will increase significantly over time and can reach up to 10,000 times the cost of introducing inclusive design earlier on.

Services offered

Get In Touch

Recruitment of People with Disability

  • Access to real users and their experiences
  • Co-design and user research
  • Community consultation and engagement
  • Product development usability and prototype testing

Inclusion consulting and training

  • Inclusive design research
  • Design for Inclusion reviews
  • Disability inclusion workplace assessments
  • Bespoke inclusion and awareness programs

Facilitation services

  • Usability testing
  • User research and market research
  • Co-design workshops and focus groups
  • Accessible marketing and communications reviews
  • Workplace disability inclusion consulting

Benefits of Inclusive Design

Benefits of Inclusive Design

Inclusive design harnesses the experience of human diversity to improve products, services, physical environments and digital experiences for the benefit of everyone.

We incorporate inclusion into the design process and help organisations embed inclusive practices into their strategies, operations, and communications enabling increased employment for people experiencing barriers. By applying lived experience and co-design to infrastructure, products, services and customer experiences; designers and engineers gain unique insights into barriers experienced by those hardest to reach and the solutions to benefit everyone.

Benefits include:

  • Fully supported access to people with lived experience
  • Unbiased and practical feedback Offer flexible short-term work
  • Helps foster inclusive employment
  • Improves customer experience and engagement
  • Avoids costly re-work and retrofitting
  • Avoids legal issues caused by exclusion
  • Sparks innovation and differentiation and inventive and design-led thinking
  • Cost effective concept prototype testing
  • Customised testing of plans, prototypes and interfaces with people with vision, hearing, cognitive, physical, gender, culture and age differences
  • Access to candid insights and observations to ensure equity and increase innovation
  • Fast turnaround to meet your people needs with no lengthy recruitment delays

Client Case Studies

Inclusive design considers the full range of human diversity. By applying lived experience and co-design to infrastructure, products, services and customer experiences; designers and engineers gain unique insights into barriers experienced by those hardest to reach and the solutions to benefit everyone.

Consider partnering with Ability Works Australia on your next project, and together we can all help make Australia more inclusive for everyone.

Co-design with White Box Enterprises

Co-designing with White Box on a Financial Wellbeing Program.


Big Plans 3D Walk-Through

Ability Works Inclusive Design in the News with Big Plans Melbourne


Swinburne students inclusive design project

Swinburne University students are designing an accessible tap.


Grants and Funding News

Ability Works partnerships and grant funding projects.


User Research and Usability Testing – Participant Recruitment

Join the Inclusive Insights Platform

Join the Inclusive Insights Platform

The Ability Works Inclusive Insights platform allows people to register their interest for Inclusive Design project engagements.

Our team will contact you and personally follow up to make sure we have relevant information to match you with projects.

Find out more about the Inclusive Insights Platform!

Have any questions? Get in touch with our team below!

    User Centered Design Consultancy Services



    “Bringing in Ability Works employees to the design development proved invaluable to the project. Their unique skillset and fresh perspective resulted in clear requirements for accessible transport design by hearing from those who experience the challenges of existing non-accessible designs day in day out. This input will not just be of benefit to people with accessibility needs, but to all transport users in the City of Melbourne”

    Andrew Kendall, User Centred Design Leader at Aurecon

    Ability Works consulted on facilities design preceding the development of major public infrastructure work.

    Our other Commercial Services

    Wire & Metal

    High volume metal fabrications manufactured to customer specifications as well as bespoke MIG welding to suit project requirements.


    Records Management

    We provide tailored mail room and secure record digitisation services to support data integrity storage and physical space saving.


    Pack and Rework

    Our bespoke packing and rework services provide many employment opportunities and our efficient process lines ensure both quick turn-around and quality output.