Young woman working on her laptop outside Young woman working on her laptop outside

Customised Employment

Customised Employment

Customised Employment uses a one-on-one approach for people with disabilities interested in entering the workforce. Partnering with each person to discover their unique talents, interests and skills, and working with employers that are aligned to ensure meaningful and financially rewarding jobs and careers.



More Information

Our team of certified employment councellors and Customised Employment specialists have worked hard to create a flexible program to get you to your goals.


We want to DISCOVER who you are. Your strengths and skills, what you enjoy or dislike, who your support team is, what your barriers are, and everything between.

We’ll combine all your skills, hobbies and requirements to create a customised list of VOCATIONAL THEMES to help guide us to the ideal job for you.

Together we’ll EXPLORE businesses in your local area to find employers that align with your goals.

Then we’ll work with you, your support team and new employer on JOB DEVELOPMENT, to negotiate and carve the ideal job/career just for you.

This is all done at your pace, on your terms, in the environment you’re comfortable with.


Have any questions? Get in touch with our team below!

    Our other Commercial Services

    Wire & Metal

    High volume metal fabrications manufactured to customer specifications as well as bespoke MIG welding to suit project requirements.


    Records Management

    We provide tailored mail room and secure record digitisation services to support data integrity storage and physical space saving.


    Pack and Rework

    Our bespoke packing and rework services provide many employment opportunities and our efficient process lines ensure both quick turn-around and quality output.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    As a successful social enterprise, Ability Works’ delivers a wide range of services, from supporting people with significant barriers to employment, to tailoring solutions for customers in diverse industries. The following questions help explain what we do and achieve for our customers and our staff.

    Our impact

    Our impact

    Providing a safe and supportive workplace for people who experience barriers to employment
    A smiling employee working in packing and assembly

    Our impact

    180+ staff working in meaningful employment across the organisation
    Pack & Rework

    Our impact

    90% of our staff are "Highly satisfied" with their job
    Tina, Employee